Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Abu Nawas, Teacher Ox-Quran Reading

"Call Abu Nawas here today," the command of Sultan Harun al-Rashid told a servant. "Mr. Abu Nawas ..." said the servant king Arriving at the house of Abu Nawas, "Mr. Servant welcome His Majesty came to the court today." Only half an hour after the slave had arrived at the palace, Abu Nawas even got there. "O Abu Nawas ..." Sultan said, "Do you know why I call you here? I ask thee to teach the Koran in order lembuku Qur'an. If the bull can not be the Koran, certainly I would tell them to kill you. " "Well my lord Shah Alam," replied Abu Nawas, "The decree lord cherished servant above his head servant." Then Abu Nawas in order to go home with a haul a bull. Arriving home the bull was tied tightly to a tree dates. The next day Abu Nawas start hitting the bull with a rattan whip until half dead. When the animals were almost raging, Abu Nawas said the word "or", "or", "or". Words that are taught Abu Nawas to the bull while still swinging cambukannya without stopping. The job he did every day in the morning until noon and from dhuhur until maghrib for a few days so it is not unthinkable to overlook the palace. Half a month later the king sent a servant look to the house of Abu Nawas, whether he is able to teach the Koran or not the bull. What was witnessed by the last slave in the house of Abu Nawas, no other lashes launched by Abu Nawas into the body of the bull as he said "or," or, "or" until the animal's in pain half-dead. So dilaporkanlah it to the king Sultan. "Please pardon the king," said the slave was Arriving at the Palace, "* I see Abu Nawas was teaching the bull in the back of the house with a large rattan whip. If the leash is not strong must have been loose and raging bull, who taught nothing but two words, namely "or", "or", "or". Sire surprised to hear reports that, after thinking for a moment the king commanded, "Call Abu Nawas here right now, I want to know whether the cow that was to be the Koran or not." Not long after Abu Nawas was up to the Palace, he had come to worship. "O Abu Nawas, did you teach it and whether ox lembuku that was to be the Koran Al-Quran?" Asked His Majesty Sultan. It can be a little bit, Shah Alam Yes my lord, "replied Abu Nawas. "I was told of a servant look to your house, she said you taught bull sentence" or "," or "," or ". I want to know what these words mean? " "Have mercy into the dust Shah Alam," said Abu Nawas. Meaning "or", "or", "or" it is if not a dead ox, or slave, or master, or no one who dies, I will not be satisfied. Because until they run out despite its age, the animals will not be able Koran Qur'an. That's why I whip for the animal to die. Thus I was glad I could finish the job. Or servant of the dead, or lord of the dead, or one, then run out the bull case. " Sire aghast in his seat, not to say a word. After a pensive moment, the king said. "Then the bull you should take, or you are selling, or you make satay." "Thanks a lot, my lord the King Shah Alam," said Abu Nawas as she worshiped until his head touched the ground. He also excused himself to go home with a light step and a good mood.

Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

The History of Crusade

Causes of Occurrence of the Crusades

A number of military expeditions launched by Christian parties against Muslim forces in the period 1096 - 2073 AD known as a crusade. This is due to a suspicion that the Christian side in attack was driven by religious motivation, except that they use the symbol of the cross. However, if observed over mehdalam will be seen that some individual interests that foreshadowed this crusade. Here are some of the causes that also lies behind the crusade.

First, that the crusade was the culmination of a number of conflicts between the west and east of the country, he explained between the Christian and Muslim parties. The development and progress of Muslim Ummah is very rapid, in recent years, causing anxiety western Christian leaders. Encouraged by this anxiety, they launched an offensive against Muslim forces.
Second, the emergence of forces that won the Children Seljuq Asia Minor after the defeat Byzantine army at Manzikart in 1071, and subsequently seized Seljuq Baitul Maqdis from the hands of the Fatimid dynasty in 1078 AD Seljuq power in Asia Minor and Jerusalem is considered as an obstacle to the Christian West to perform pilgrimage to the Bait al-Maqdis. when what happens is that the Christian parties are free only perform the pilgrimage in droves. Christians are spreading rumors Seljuq Turkish abuses against Christian pilgrims. The rumors are burning anger Christians-European.
Third, that since the tenth century Muslim forces became the ruler of the sea trade routes in the middle. The merchants of Pisa, Vinesia, and Cenoa annoyed at the presence of Islam as a ruling force in the sea trade routes middle of this. The only way to expand and streamline their trade is to urge Muslims strength of this ocean "
Fourth, the propaganda of Alexius Comnenus to) wear Urban II. To avenge his defeat in the war against the Seljuq troops. That the pope is the supreme source of authority in the west who heard and obeyed its propaganda. Pope Urban II immediately rnengumpulkan Christian leaders on 26 November 1095 at Clermont, southeast France. In his speech at Clermont the Pope instructed the followers of Christianity to take up arms against the troops of the season.
The main purpose of the Pope at that time was expanding its influence so that the Roman church would take shelter under his authority. In its propaganda, the Pope Urban II promised forgiveness of sins for those who are willing to join in this battle. So the issue of Christian unity echoed immediately unite Christian countries meet the Pope's call was. In a short time about 150,000 Christian army in droves to meet seruangsang Pope, they gathered in Constantinople. Most of these troops are a nation of France and the Normans. 

Crusade that took place within a period of nearly two centuries, between the years 1095 - 1291 AD, occurs in a series of battles.

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011


Nama Asli dari al-Khawarizmi ialah Muhammad Ibn Musa al-khawarizmi. Selain itu beliau dikenali sebagai Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ahmad bin Yusoff. Al-Khawarizmi dikenal di Barat sebagai al-Khawarizmi, al-Cowarizmi, al-Ahawizmi, al-Karismi, al-Goritmi, al-Gorismi dan beberapa cara ejaan lagi. Beliau dilahirkan di Bukhara.Tahun 780-850M adalah zaman kegemilangan al-Khawarizmi. al-Khawarizmi telah wafat antara tahun 220 dan 230M. Ada yang mengatakan al-Khawarizmi hidup sekitar awal pertengahan abad ke-9M. Sumber lain menegaskan beliau hidup di Khawarism, Usbekistan pada tahun 194H/780M dan meninggal tahun 266H/850M di Baghdad.
Dalam pendidikan telah dibuktikan bahawa al-Khawarizmi adalah seorang tokoh Islam yang berpengetahuan luas. Pengetahuan dan keahliannya bukan hanya dalam bidang syariat tapi di dalam bidang falsafah, logika, aritmatika, geometri, musik, ilmu hitung, sejarah Islam dan kimia.
Al-Khawarizmi sebagai guru aljabar di Eropa
Beliau telah menciptakan pemakaian Secans dan Tangen dalam penyelidikan trigonometri dan astronomi. Dalam usia muda beliau bekerja di bawah pemerintahan Khalifah al-Ma’mun, bekerja di Bayt al-Hikmah di Baghdad. Beliau bekerja dalam sebuah observatory yaitu tempat belajar matematika dan astronomi. Al-Khawarizmi juga dipercaya untuk memimpin perpustakaan khalifah. Beliau pernah memperkenalkan angka-angka India dan cara-cara perhitungan India pada dunia Islam. Beliau juga merupakan seorang penulis Ensiklopedia dalam berbagai disiplin. Al-Khawarizmi adalah seorang tokoh yang pertama kali memperkenalkan aljabar dan hisab. Banyak lagi ilmu pengetahuan yang beliau pelajari dalam bidang matematika dan menghasilkan konsep-konsep matematika yang begitu populer yang masih digunakan sampai sekarang.
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