Minggu, 12 Juni 2011

Abu Nawas, Teacher Ox-Quran Reading

"Call Abu Nawas here today," the command of Sultan Harun al-Rashid told a servant. "Mr. Abu Nawas ..." said the servant king Arriving at the house of Abu Nawas, "Mr. Servant welcome His Majesty came to the court today." Only half an hour after the slave had arrived at the palace, Abu Nawas even got there. "O Abu Nawas ..." Sultan said, "Do you know why I call you here? I ask thee to teach the Koran in order lembuku Qur'an. If the bull can not be the Koran, certainly I would tell them to kill you. " "Well my lord Shah Alam," replied Abu Nawas, "The decree lord cherished servant above his head servant." Then Abu Nawas in order to go home with a haul a bull. Arriving home the bull was tied tightly to a tree dates. The next day Abu Nawas start hitting the bull with a rattan whip until half dead. When the animals were almost raging, Abu Nawas said the word "or", "or", "or". Words that are taught Abu Nawas to the bull while still swinging cambukannya without stopping. The job he did every day in the morning until noon and from dhuhur until maghrib for a few days so it is not unthinkable to overlook the palace. Half a month later the king sent a servant look to the house of Abu Nawas, whether he is able to teach the Koran or not the bull. What was witnessed by the last slave in the house of Abu Nawas, no other lashes launched by Abu Nawas into the body of the bull as he said "or," or, "or" until the animal's in pain half-dead. So dilaporkanlah it to the king Sultan. "Please pardon the king," said the slave was Arriving at the Palace, "* I see Abu Nawas was teaching the bull in the back of the house with a large rattan whip. If the leash is not strong must have been loose and raging bull, who taught nothing but two words, namely "or", "or", "or". Sire surprised to hear reports that, after thinking for a moment the king commanded, "Call Abu Nawas here right now, I want to know whether the cow that was to be the Koran or not." Not long after Abu Nawas was up to the Palace, he had come to worship. "O Abu Nawas, did you teach it and whether ox lembuku that was to be the Koran Al-Quran?" Asked His Majesty Sultan. It can be a little bit, Shah Alam Yes my lord, "replied Abu Nawas. "I was told of a servant look to your house, she said you taught bull sentence" or "," or "," or ". I want to know what these words mean? " "Have mercy into the dust Shah Alam," said Abu Nawas. Meaning "or", "or", "or" it is if not a dead ox, or slave, or master, or no one who dies, I will not be satisfied. Because until they run out despite its age, the animals will not be able Koran Qur'an. That's why I whip for the animal to die. Thus I was glad I could finish the job. Or servant of the dead, or lord of the dead, or one, then run out the bull case. " Sire aghast in his seat, not to say a word. After a pensive moment, the king said. "Then the bull you should take, or you are selling, or you make satay." "Thanks a lot, my lord the King Shah Alam," said Abu Nawas as she worshiped until his head touched the ground. He also excused himself to go home with a light step and a good mood.

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